RCC Inspection Starter Solution
Welcome to the Inspection Starter Solution brought to you by RCC. This solution was originally purposed to be used as a work order form for aircraft mechanics. If you have never spun a wrench in a hangar, don't let that scare you away. The beauty of Claris FileMaker is that this app can be repurposed for any type of inspection work. From aviation to home inspections, a user can keep track of completed tasks as well as tasks that are unfinished or have not met the approval of the inspector or person in charge. With KyoLogic’s featured signature capture add-on (which uses Szimek's open source signature pad), once a task has been completed, both the worker and the inspector can sign off to mark the task completed and approved. Staff members can log in and save their signatures, making approval as simple as a mouse click. This solution is a perfect example of how you can use add-ons to customize and enrich your own solutions.